The Bits you Don’t see…

Ever wonder what it takes to secure that coveted magazine feature, or to nail that perfect press event? Believe it or not, there’s so much more to it than just sending out press releases and crossing your fingers. Here’s a glimpse into the unseen efforts that go into making it happen:

⭐️Building Strong Relationships: We don’t just cold pitch story ideas. We invest time in nurturing relationships with journalists, influencers and editors. We take the time to understand their needs and provide valuable content tailored to their audience.

⭐️ Research and Strategy: Before reaching out to journalists, we conduct thorough research to identify the right publications and angles for your brand. We analyse previous features, trends, and audience demographics to craft a compelling pitch.

⭐️ Crafting Compelling Pitches: Every pitch is meticulously crafted to grab attention and provide value. We focus on storytelling, highlighting unique angles, and demonstrating why your brand deserves to be featured.

⭐️ Follow-Ups and Persistence: Sometimes, getting a feature requires persistence. We don’t give up after the first email. We follow up strategically, providing additional information or angles to keep your brand top of mind.

⭐️ Monitoring and Measurement: Our work doesn’t stop once the feature is secured. We monitor its performance, track mentions, and analyse audience engagement. This helps us measure the impact of our efforts and refine our strategy for future campaigns.

At @brandbuildingco, we understand that the road to that all important feature or press event is paved with dedication, strategy, and relationship-building.

Contact us today to learn more about our PR services


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